Dear Fireflies,
Lost Light update maintenance begins on Feb 2, 2023, 02:00 (UTC), and is estimated to take 2 hours. During this period, you will not be able to connect to the game. Please wait until the maintenance is completed. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. After the maintenance, please re-download the game to experience the latest content. Compensation rewards will be sent via in-game mail after the maintenance.
[Combat Adjustments]
1. Optimized the camera shake when walking in FPP mode.
2. Adjusted the range of detecting enemies' info. Now, you can find enemy Fireflies and Marauders in your camera more easily.
3. Adjusted the crawling speed when incapacitated.
4. The Armor Class of Armor and Helmet will be decreased as the value of current Durability / Max Durability drops. Reduced the decreasing rate of Armor Class for Lv.4 - 6 Armor and Helmet.
5. The Armor Class of enemies' equipment will be decreased as its Durability drops, and will be shown to Fireflies during combats. Use this feature to observe the progress of breaking enemies' Armor.
6. Optimized the Weapon swap speed when using Consumables.
[Map and Level Design]
Added visual effects to show the impact of Pheromone in all scenes. Now, you can see a deadly green Pheromone cloud in the sky.
[Economy Changes]
Adjusted the price of Fore-grip for some Weapons.
[General & Rules]
1. Doubled the size of the teammate search's effective range.
2. Doubled the size of the rescue signal range.
3. Optimized the consumption of Immunity Points. Now, different maps will cost different Immunity Points.